Giacomo Rosso

ruoloOf counsel


Profile and experiences

Giacomo Rosso graduated from the University of Genoa in 2005. After  completing his Masters Degree  on the law of Trusts, he was admitted to the Genoa Bar in 2008. In 2021, he was admitted to plead before the Court of Cassation.

He has been teaching civil law (contracts and property law) in preparatory courses for to qualify  students for the Real Estate Broker  exam at CESCOT,  a business school of Confesercenti since 2015, and currently at Futura- Centro Formativo Confartigianato (Savona).

He deals with civil litigation, including arbitration, and out-of-court consultancy in the fields of real estate, commercial law and business contracts. On these topics he has written several articles and contributed to various commentaries of the Italian Civil Code (various publishers).

Giacomo Rosso contacts

  • Telefono 010.561406
  • linkedin linkedin